8.2/10. Such a fun episode. I love the way it just piles twist onto twist onto twist as a wide-eyed, full-throated parody of the conspiracy theory stories its parodying. The Dean is on fire here (his dialogue is a particular treat), and bits like the endless array of fake shootings or the chase through the blanket fort are sheer Harmon-y fun and ridiculousness. I'd forgotten how much the show was leaning into the Jeff and Annie shipping at this point, but I think it works well folded in to the larger pastiche and insanity here rather than being dwelled on.

The B-story with Troy and Abed's blanket fort is also quite fun, though feels somewhat slight in comparison the heights the show hit with the sequel to that storyline. Still, bits involving a parade with the proper permits and Britta finding a crazy little hang out within the quickly-flourishing bedding-based society is Community at its loony best. Not much terribly deep here, but overall a fun whirling dervish of an episode with a lot of enjoyable humor and storytelling amid the conspiracy riffs.

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