Review by Adrian Snrub

Stranger Things 2016

Stranger Things is okay I guess.

The soundtrack is more cheesy "80's futuristic synth" like in Blood Dragon so it doesn't feel particularly natural or well researched but should be good enough to dupe chumps like us who didn't actually grow up in the 80's right?

That aside, a good story is driven by characters - not the other way around. The dialogue is well written, and the child actors are impressive enough to suspended my disbelief into not hating children for a while - but everyone is influenced by events out of their control so they might as well be blank canvases after 80 minutes (2 episodes). Which character are we supposed to care about the most? The toothless kid I guess, since the black kid is there to drive tension, the mother is there to cry lots, and the missing kid - well, he's missing from the start so we don't know much about him.

The closest series I can compare it to is Lost. It's got mystery and unanswered questions that are probably placeholders to get more seasons of depreciating quality - although thankfully Stranger Things stands alone just fine with one season. I don't really need more.

For an actually impressive character driven story instead you should still watch Fargo (season 1).

If you want something "retro" and "mysterious" then Donnie Darko, and Eerie Indiana spring to mind.

8/10 (good but not as "amazing" as the masses on social media claimed it to be).

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