Review by Marco

Stranger Things 2016

Wow...well there are many great things say about this show, in general it will appeal to anyone into supernatural/mistery/sci-fi stories in urban settings. But, if you have a soft spot for 80s movies with kids instead you will literally go crazy over "Stranger Things". The setting and mood manage to canvey all those classics from ET to Goonies, but with darker tones like Stand By Me and recent movies like Super 8.
Everything in the production is ultra-80s from bikes, Dungeon & Dragons, a ton of Star Wars reference, pre-BMX bicycles, clothes, name it and you'll find it! plus the soundtrack feels like John Carpenter meets Daft Punk. The cast is extremely good especially the kids, though Winona Ryder and David Harbour
I will keep everything spoiler free here, though even if the story is interesting and well paced, the real strenght of the show remain the characters development...they made a really great work doing all the right things, hinting sometime but avoiding the common places or certain cliches that in challenging situations in fiction make kids look like mini-adults, if you get what I mean. The dialogues are smart, even in the most dramatic turns when things start to feel like a bit cheesy the tone is always somehow balanced.
In the end, like many of 80s classic I have mentioned at the beginning, "Stranger Things" surely is a sci-fi show but most of all is a buddy story.
I know is "Rated R" or something but still it manage to get somewhere doesn't get too dark to really cut off younger audiences and is never too childish to annoy adults.
I appreciated even that the didn't oustretch the story and kept everything in a 8 episode arc. This is going straight between my all time favorite TV show list.

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