Review by saundrew

Game of Thrones

Season 6

This is a show where spoilers are a pretty big explosion of disappointment. So if you don't want that, don't read this. I was pretty up and down this season. There would be a great episode, followed by a blah episode, followed by an amazing episode. I'm going to start with the bad and end with the good, just like the season.

Probably my biggest problem with this season is Arya's storyline. Don't get me wrong, the direction that her story goes is great, but the execution was pretty bad. It felt really slow and drawn out early on, and then suddenly speeds through the exciting parts. The pacing was just poorly done. Next was Bran's storyline. Basically he had the same set of issues. We front loaded him with stuff, but suddenly the tree guy we just met who is supposed to teach dies quickly. Again, pacing just felt really off.

There were a handful of other issues here and there, but let's move on to the good. The Door was an amazing episode. Flat out amazing. It ends so rough and so emotional. It wasn't a "shock" ending that just gets you surprised, it is just perfectly executed emotional climax. I'm so glad we got that halfway through, because it got me back into excitement for the rest of the season. Then we get The Hound back in action in a great scenario. Ian McShane is so great in that damn episode. He made me really sad to see him go after getting such little time, but a great way to move The Hound into action again.

Finally we got to the end of the season. Episode 9 is always an epic episode, and this season delivered very well. It wasn't a fight I was surprised by at all (I guess a little because I expected more main characters to die), but it was done with some great direction. One of the best shot episodes of the series.

And then last night happened. Honestly, yesterday I was thinking that I'd be at a 3.5 or a 4 for this season. But then this episode aired. I did not see a lot of this happening, and the sequence was done so well. You the viewer start to figure it out at the same rate that the characters do. Wonderful. But oh, that massive explosion was not the whole episode. The fall of the king (I didn't make that joke, but have to say it now), Arya slits a throat after baking some pies, the election of Jon to King of the North, ships get sailing, and the south show up again after 9 episodes; all good stuff. Particularly in love with Diana Rigg. She owns every scene she's in. EVERY. SCENE. She does what I think every viewer thought in that first episode when those Dorne sisters are annoying. So yea, the finale was so amazing that I will probably think of this season as a beautiful burst of green flames.

Seriously though, I think Diana Rigg is my favorite actress of all time. She married James Bond guys. She is the best.

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