In retrospect, this episode is highly predictable. But the execution is top notch, making us completely forget the next steps and become totally engulfed in the moment. Battle of the Bastards combines the best elements of the Omaha Beach battle from Saving Private Ryan and Battle at Helmsdeep from Lord of the Rings: The Two Tower. The end result is breathtaking.

And most astonishing is that it made me totally forget the epic dragon battle at Meereen just moments earlier, which is at least on par with what I think is the most orgasmic scene to date, "And Now His Watch Is Ended" from season 3 episode 4.

If I were to nitpick, it's why Sansa chose to summon Littlefinger until the last minute (aside from the obvious reason of keeping audience in suspense). That's a minor nitpick in otherwise flawless episode.

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