+Sandor Clegane's hunt
+Jaime and Brienne's negotiation. This part is really the big reason this episode wasn't rated lower. It should be interesting if Brienne (or possibly even Sandor Clegane) gets back to the North in time for them to perform their version of the Spearwives/Mance Rayder hostage rescue except with Rickon being rescued instead of "Arya" although judging from the next episode's title, it may be a little late for that.

-Cersei stuff was just there. It was kind of important but it was done in such a boring way that I couldn't give a shit
-Meereen being assaulted by the slavers. It should lead to a cool closing to the season but it was really, really rushed and to be honest the backpedaling at this point doesn't make any sense other than to allow the Iron Fleet to come in and prove their allegiance, but even that doesn't make any sense since Dany has Drogon now and can easily set their fleet on fire and then kill the land armies with her Dothraki horde. Tyrion's already there, Quentyn doesn't even exist, Asha and Theon don't have the Dragon Binding Horn like Victarion does, and Barristan is dead. What exactly is the purpose of this other than to add more action to spice up the ending?
-The Arya chase stuff was really cheesy, like fucking comic book villain tier cheese.

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