Before this I was praying for Olli to die but I think I finally stopped and assessed the situation unbiased and realised that he's just a fucking impressionable kid who's parents got killed and eaten by wildlings, of course he did what he did. Also I'm a bit uncomfortable with Jon killing kids. He's supposed to be the good guy, the rare unicorn of this show. But I'm really fucking happy that he left the watch, totally saw it coming too. Will be awkward when Sansa arrives there though. Starks keep missing each other. Meanwhile Arya is finally becoming a proper Daredevil, hopefully she'll kick some major ass soon. And man, they are doing the tower of joy thing, we all fucking know what's in there, so just hurry up and confirm it. Poor Shaggydog. Ffs, stop killing Starks and their direwolves.

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The thing about this show - and I really like this - is, there are no 'good' characters. Everybody tends to sympathize with a certain character or more (most do with Jon Snow) but in the hand each one of them has had his/hers hands dirty somewhere and somewhen.

@Marth I hear you. Ironically that's what I don't like about this show. I don't like extremes like that. Martin admitted himself that he wanted to explore the shades of grey instead of sticking to the polar opposites of good and evil. But the thing is if all characters are ambiguous and deeply flawed it's repetitive and redundant too. So funnily enough by choosing not to go with the typical extremes he still escalated his idea so much it became extreme too. I usually take interest in the characters that don't fit the formula and in most cases it's actually the antihero type, not your typical protagonist. But in the sea of people doing both bad and good things (that I do appreciate) with the storms of strictly villainous archetypes like Joffrey and Ramsay, it will also be nice to have at least one island of permanent goodness. Jon's been the closest thing to it so far but I fear he'll get jaded by betrayal and tainted by the writers' idea that you can only succeed by being ruthless and conniving. Of course it's easier like that but personally I enjoy the characters overcoming hardships in a straight-forward honest way instead of, for example, partaking in evil schemes. At least in this show where evil schemes are overused.
