Review by SeanMSU

Fair describes it pretty well, lots of sections that are above average, a few okay, a few bad. GOT usually follows a great episode with one or two of these.

+Tower of Joy fight was good, however, it should have been amazing. I like that they didn't show what happened in the Tower yet, I hope they don't show that until the book shows us and I liked how Howland Reed fucked up Dayne, pretty much exactly how I thought it happened after Ned says that Reed saved his life from Dayne. However, Arthur Dayne using two swords looked absolutely ridiculous, he's known for using a big ass white great sword that is passed down through his family only to the best warriors, kind of weird for them to not give him a great sword regardless of color. Dual wielding really doesn't make any sense. They also cut some of the dialogue with the Kingsguard along with not mentioning that the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard was there too, instead it just seemed like it was Dayne and Whent without Hightower. I also like how Bloodraven is essentially confirming that Bran will not stay and be a watcher over the world like BR is but will go out and actively change things but he has to learn more before that point. We get closer and closer to confirming God Emperor Bran as the show and the book series' go on.
+The Umbers turning in Rickon to Ramsay is one of those things that angered me in a good way. It makes sense in the context of what is going on with the Umbers being mad that Rickon's brother is letting in the Wildlings, it brings a new Reekening into the story which in my opinion was by far the best new content the show runners added when they did it with Theon. Let's see if they can reproduce those results. So although I'm pissed it's happening, it is a good sign that they are able to piss me off for something that is going on rather than how it doesn't make sense.
+The King's landing sections were noticeably better today, Jaime's involvement always makes a scene better. He's quietly become the best character in the show.
+Arya stuff is getting better

*More background with the Dosh Khaleen, we all still know that nothing is going to happen but whatever, they've already committed themselves so they have to sort this stuff out before she returns to Meereen with a large contingent of cavalry at her back just in time for Victarion (or whoever will do it in the show) to pick her up and carry her to Westeros (or possibly Asshai according to one of the million prophecies)
*Jon leaving the Night's Watch. This is really only here because I don't exactly know what to think about it, it depends on what it tells us about Jon. It's understandable that he wouldn't want to lead the people that killed him, but he is sort of setting up one of his closest friends to meet the same fate and abandoning the order that obviously meant a whole hell of a lot to him. I don't think it would be in Jon's character to just ditch like he did. I mean, even when he ditched the order for the Wildlings he was always intending to return to the Night's Watch. The only moment he truly thought of deserting was in the cave with Ygritte, but she's long gone and he doesn't have much else aside from Bran (who is on the other side of an army of Others), Sansa (who is frantically running for her life), Arya (who is no longer really Arya) and Theon (who betrayed the rest of his family). the rest of his closest friends/family are dead or part of the Night's Watch. What may have happened is that it isn't exactly Jon that came back. Beric Dondarrion lost a bit of his memory every time he got revived, and what are we but our memories. I think it is very possible that Jon lost some crucial part of himself when he was brought back but we will have to wait to see.

-Tyrion gets more camera time for no reason other than they need to fill the fan service quota.

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