A good episode (as for the previous two as well) with a rather heavy build up to the season finale, showing the toll and burden that some of our most loved characters have endured over the past 6 seasons.

Some will say that those that ventured from Alexandria were acting out of character and with reckless abandon but fear and anger can drive even the most logical and calm person to walk away from their path, for one in particular who, seems to have been criticized the most for this, actually has precedent so shouldn't really be a shock.

I wasn't at all happy with the ending much preferring no dialog at all would have left the viewer in much more anticipation for the finaIe.

I hope my expectations are not too high for it.
I'm thinking that there will be multiple deaths much in the same light as the governor's attack on the prison. I'm going to go for Rosita, Glenn and Carol to die and/or Rick to have his hand removed.

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