I will point out the best things according to me without spoiling and ruining the excitement . As a demanding person by nature as I am, I will present my point of view. Being aware of the recent unexpected and unjustified hatred towards the whole project, I decided to point out 5 best things about the movie and why you shouldn’t hesitate to check it out.

  1. Superman's attitude and well built character - flawless, restless, decisive. The strength of his bonds and relationships is not in single moment to be doubted. Cavill finally stepped out of Reeve's shadow making his own mark. It took me 2 movies to absorb the fact that Henry Cavill is the next generation Superman. He elevates him on a whole new level. His Superman is the kind of a hero the 21st century mankind aspires to find. He is the Superman of this apocalypse-awaiting society. . .
  2. Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor - incredibly well built and complete. Insanity is a large bite when it comes to movie and theater roles. Only few chosen can bring the clash of inner self. Jesse's act was deliriously persuasive. The well written script combined with facial expressions, gestures and lucid intonation of voice simply had me since the moment I saw him on the trailer until his last appearance in the movie. Jesse's Lex was undoubtedly charismatic in his way of explaining ultimate truths with gruesome plot-lines and morbidly absurd approach accompanied by tics. Villain with a degree! .
  3. Action scenes - Seems as if world wants to see the heroes as soldiers. And every savior or leader is primarily seen as battle material. The dedication to impress on the battle subject was successful. Audience has a weird sense of esthetics when it comes to destruction. There's something inexplicably paradoxical about destruction as a form of creation. Creation of chaos. Chaos as a diagnosis in our everyday living. Snyder tried to present the artistic side of societal chaos. And he DID! .
  4. Element of surprise and enigmacy - accomplished! It's particularly the end. I won't describe it in details because I want you to experience it by yourself. I love movies, stories and series which end with a note of uncertainty. I never liked dull endings and putting fullstop to a story in an ordinary way. Leaving a gap of curiosity always does the trick for me. .
  5. Music - Oscar material. Hans Zimmer’s work on Superman movies so far is a masterpiece. Enjoyable, assertive, incomparable.
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