Review by Si_Crazy

I really liked the lighter feel to it, without feeling like a filler.
Ohh I like Jesus already! He seems like a super fighter... kind of like a ninja based on his moves against Daryl and Rick, and also very street smart with pickpocketing the key of the truck. I am really curious to see what he is up to.
I thought it was so funny seeing how awkward Denise was explaining the request for the soda to Daryl LOL It even felt like he was making fun of all her hands gesture.
Speaking of Daryl... it's interesting how in the beginning of the season he was all hopeful towards people still being good, and after that encounter where those people who double-crossed him he is the one that doesn't want to bring new people in... while Rick has had a change of heart. Good balance, but horrible timing for these two LOL
Rick is way more interesting when he has hopes. Probably why he and Michonne got together now... They're both in a very positive place.
Rick/Michonne getting together was something very natural! I think it was done really well for the characters. I can't imagine them both discussing relationship, the feeling were there so they just acted upon it.
I just feel like it was too soon after Jessie... And I get that time has passed by because Carl is already recovered and all, but still as a viewer it seems like Rick really wants to hook up with anyone LOL. I think that the mid season premiere should've been the mid season finale... that way time would've passed both for viewers and in the SL to give us time to put Jessie behind.

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