Review by Digital Phreaker

Game of Thrones: Season 3

3x08 Second Sons

The infamous Daario Naharis joins the show. Nothing against Ed Skrein, but I'm really glad Michiel Huisman wound up getting the role later; Skrein was a little too pretty for a rough-n-tumble mercenary like Daario.

Tyrion: You don't have to speak to me as a prisoner anymore. You won't be a prisoner after today, you'll be my wife. I suppose that's a different kind of prison. I just wanted to say -- I'm just trying to say, very badly... I just want to say I know how you feel.

Sansa: I doubt that very much, my lord.

Tyrion: You're right, I have no idea how you feel, and you have no idea how I feel. But I promise you one thing, my lady. I won't ever hurt you. Do you drink wine?

Sansa: When I have to.

Tyrion: Well, today you have to.

As badly as he fumbled through that, Tyrion did a pretty damn good job of trying to assure her he wasn't going to treat her like Joffrey or Cersei have.

Damn, Cersei dropped all pretenses by telling the story behind The Rains of Castamere.

Cersei: If you ever call me sister again, I'll have you strangled in your sleep.

LMAO. Margaery was so good at getting under her skin.

God, this had to be such a terrifyingly surreal moment for Sansa. Almost three years earlier, she was thrilled to be going to King's Landing and couldn't wait to marry a Lannister (well, technically anyway), and here she is in the Sept of Baelor on her wedding day, being escorted by the King she wanted to originally marry and now fucking hates, to be wed to Tyrion Lannister.

Joffrey, you little cunt, I once again cannot wait to rewatch your upcoming agonizing death. If ever there was someone who deserved The Strangler's effects, it's Joffrey Lannister.

Tyrion: If my father wants someone to get fucked, I know where he can start. I won't share your bed. Not until you want me to.

Sansa: What if I never want you to?

Tyrion: And so my watch begins.

I remember being very curious how Tyrion would react in this moment, because while he has been pretty damn honorable so far in the show, there's no denying that sex is probably his most favorite thing after wine. And, if she were a few years older, Sansa would probably be exactly his type. So I wondered if his lust would win him over, and with how much he was staring at her, I thought it would. "And so my watch begins" and that drunken stumble to the chair to pass out was exactly how I'd hoped he would react in that moment. Plus, that drunken stumble to collapse and pass out on a couch was incredibly relatable.

Welp, guess that answers the question why the ancient Night's Watchman buried those obsidian daggers. That probably should've been a big clue to that they're useful against white walkers given how obsidian is formed. But the one thing I was not later expecting was Valyrian steel having the same effect. Again, given dragons' connections to Old Valyria, that too probably should've been an obvious clue. But since there's only one scene in the show dedicated to showing the destruction and creation of Valyrian steel swords, how they were originally created was barely broached on the show.

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