Review by Digital Phreaker

Game of Thrones: Season 3

3x05 Kissed by Fire

"You know nothing, Jon Sno-OH FACE!"

Cunnilingus is introduced to the Wildlings.

"Then there was this Thenn boy. Spoke no Common, but Gods he was built like a mammoth--"

"Yeah, thanks."

Roose Bolton is such a cunt. He made sure to slowly dole out the information on the Battle of the Blackwater to make Jaime fear the worst.

Jaime refusing the painkillers shows how much he still distrusts anyone in Bolton's camp, and for obvious good reasons. He didn't wanna risk being knocked out on opium if someone wanted to betray Roose Bolton and kill Jaime or steal him away for other reasons.

Even with the screaming, I don't even wanna imagine how fucking painful that had to be. Out of all the gore and violence in the show, watching Jaime white-knuckle that procedure is almost too hard to watch.

There's Cersei proving Tywin right: she's not half as smart as she thinks she is, especially against someone like Littlefinger; by this point he had all the plans prepared to steal Sansa away the second Joffrey dropped dead, and Cersei was so convinced that she could outplay someone who owed her house a lot.

I forgot how heartbreaking Arya's "I can be your family" is. One-by-one, she nearly lost a brother, lost her friend Mycah, lost her father and then her sister, lost Yoren, then Jaqen and Hot Pie, lost her chance of killing The Hound, and now she's losing Gendry. Sure she may not have wanted to be a family with most of the post-King's Landing characters, but every time she started to feel safe around others, someone either left or died. And here's Gendry, someone she's clearly enamored with -- who's treated her a lot like Jon used to -- is leaving her again. Can't blame her for being devastated with Gendry's choice to stay with the Brotherhood.

And now Robb makes the kind of choice he thinks his father would've made, while forgetting that Eddard Stark was a brilliant tactician who would've known how important the Karstarks are to their current cause, and likely would've spared him for being very distantly related while Robb forgets why his father lost his head: too honorable to act in self-preservation. Ned Stark was a great father who did his best to instill his values in his children, but the biggest problem was that his children tried way too hard to emulate him with similar mistakes that either get them killed or damn near killed. After his mother, wife, and Edmure give him sound advice, you can see how much Lord Karstark's jabs are eating at Robb while he wants to prove to the ghost of Ned Stark that he can dole out justice the Stark way: "He who passes the sentence swings the sword."

Lord Karstark: I don't want it to save me. I want it to haunt you to the end of your days. Kill me and be cursed. You are no king of mine.

Welp, Karstark kinda got his wish, except that the end of Robb's days were rapidly approaching because of judgement calls like this.

This is the first time I've noticed the fire sorta following Robb's movements as he rushes past. Obviously that was likely just because he was moving so quickly, but given how real the Lord of Light's magic is now, and what Melisandre is planning on doing, it kinda gives new context to that shot.

Queen Selyse Baratheon is a damn good example of what no mental health treatment does to a MF.

Getting into that tub had to feel amazing after the year Jaime had. And now we finally arrive at the point in the show when the fandom finally started looking beyond the obvious and more at the person behind the gilded armor, skills with a sword, famous name and famous nickname. Sure, he did deserve the hatred he'd received early on because that's kinda the whole point of a redemption arc. And, you know, all the murders and incest too. But this when Jaime really started to shine as more than just an antagonist; he was already approaching this point in earlier episodes with him saving Brienne and showing a spark of humanity still inside him. But this is when everyone, including Brienne, finally learned the whole story of how he earned his infamous nickname. The "Man Without Honor" speech while speaking to Cat hinted at it, but this was when Jaime Lannister finally shed himself of that nickname.

And now I remember why "that grey, sunken cunt" started entering my lexicon of wildly disdainful ways to describe people I loathe just a little over 11 years ago. The way Coster-Waldau delivers that line is perfect; you can truly believe he spent so much more time around Pycelle than he ever wanted to. "I slit his throat to make sure that didn't happen." Fuck! that is just the perfect Jaime Lannister line.

I love how much Shireen cares about Davos, and how much you can see Davos cares about her. Makes what that grey, sunken cunt -- instant callback! -- Stannis and his wife did to Shireen hit all the harder.

Poor Jorah was a bit too obvious with his pointed questions. He wasn't lying when he said he would've hated the politics of the capital because someone with that bad of a poker face when trying to wheedle information would've put a huge target on his back. Especially when he can't even hide the reasons behind his worries about Barristan being around so much. Barristan didn't need to be as good at "the game" as Varys, Littlefinger, or Tyrion when Jorah was wearing a giant "I betrayed Daenerys" sign around his neck like that.

As much as I enjoy the insane chemistry between Richard Madden and Oona Chaplin -- seriously, Madden could have chemistry with a dead leaf -- I always dread this scene, because I know this is when Robb decides to take Casterly Rock and eventually plea to Walder Frey to replace all the Karstark troops Robb just lost by beheading Lord Rickard.

Oh, look, it's another golden crowned asshole, Olyver, who will eventually be responsible for a lot of deaths because he was Littlefinger's spy.

Cersei's "Yes it is" was so damn cruel, especially with that spiteful smile, but karma's a bitch in A Song of Ice and Fire... I'd already respected Tyrion a ton before this -- even if he is a drunken, lecherous pampered rich kid -- but him caring more about how cruel that arranged marriage would be to Sansa really ramps up that respect.

Charles Dance once again proves how he can drop-kick a character's heart with only three words twice in a row: "Only too well." and "You're my daughter!" Hadn't seen Tywin that openly incensed since after he got the news of Jaime's capture.

Where's that smile now Cersei?

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