Review by FLY

Could have been great but it's a bit of a miss.

They went the Star Wars way. Way too much stuff that is more a remake spliced with fan service than a real new story. It really echoes #2 like the previous one echoed #1, more in a cheap ass way than a real homage.

There are good ideas, it starts with interesting stuff. Ray's job and podcast for instance. And Winston's. They kept Murray's presence to a minimum, which is understandable, still glad the character was here.

The character of Nadeem is excellent and probably the best part of the movie.

The biggest flaw, something I really hate in movies, is that the whole plot relies on a character being so incredibly stupid that it breaks suspension of disbelief. This is painful to watch. It hurts even more because before that it was actually building something, we were slowly discovering and learning stuff about the big bad, and there were so many good ways it could have evolved. And cherry on top, this is the smartest character, whose IQ is probably higher than the sum of her whole family's.

I get it, she's smart, but a bit autistic and doesn't do well with people but come on ! Put herself in an machine that will literally kill her for a while. That is untested. That is not designed for that (would normally suck her into a trap, and definitely not wake her up). Just to be a ghost for a while ? If she could modify the machine's behaviour that much on a whim, she probably could reverse it in a way to give the ghost a body/object to possess, which would have made more sense.
Worse: she's not even tricked into it. It all comes from her, not even sure she's nudged a bit or that Melody actually tries anything.
Worse: Big bad can control all ghosts, and yet, it somehow all relies on a not so smart teenage ghost willingly helping by managing to trick a real genius into doing something awfully stupid. Are you fucking kidding me ?

And even the result is stupid. Making her ghost speak also makes her body speak ?

It is so bad that it's probably the only thing I'll remember about this movie (well no, probably Nanjiani to, he was really good). It was actually good before that.

Random other thoughts:
How come Trevor basically don't exist in the whole plot ?
Why do all the terminals look like they're 50 years old ?

Nice effects and there's a real big bad guy, and yet, it kinda feels like they're having a little neighbourhood fight in their small own, like in the previous one, instead of being in New York. Originals felt more like they had an actual impact at city level.

The "let's all hold the ghost gun together like it's gonna change something" is so dumb. I get the trope they're trying to channel here, but it's just so stupid and fails miserably.

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