The episode was very suspenseful, even though I've read the summary of the game's plot, so I knew what to expect. The antagonist is a quite memorable character, he may join my list of TV show villains I hate the most, alongside Joffrey and Ramsey from Game of Thrones. I don't think the episode is anti-religious as some reviews mentioned, since David is not really Christian, but he uses religion to keep people subjugated to him while he is really a monster. Ellie shines in the episode and her strong bond with Joel is strongly emphasised, the scene in which they are reunited after Ellie's ordeal with David is very moving, Joel asks no questions but hugs her and shows how much he cares for her. No matter what happens to her, she is his little girl he needs to protect. Ellie is intelligent and capable of taking care of herself, but she is a realistic character and not a Mary Sue that is successful in everything she does. The thing I found a bit strange (maybe unrealistic is not a good word in context of a video game adaptation) was how quick Joel got better after the penicillin injections and was able to successfully fight two of David's men.
Overall, the show is a pessimistic comment on human nature, which reverts to violence after the downfall of civilization as if it was the only thing that was the reason why people followed moral rules. Though on the other hand, strong human relationships are still possible, as Joel and Ellie's example shows.

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