Shout by Jordy

Taken 2008


Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2024-05-01T22:45:53Z— updated 2024-05-03T19:33:40Z

I’ve never understood the cult love for this one. Really bland, predictable genre film that doesn’t bring anything to the table besides one iconic scene. The directing is a cheap knockoff of Greengrass’ Bourne films (lots of shaky cam/quick cut bullshit; generic score) and its script is about as by the numbers as you could get (typical set-up; predictable arcs; no real substance). Some of the detective stuff’s kinda fun but it relies so much on convenience and contrivances that I’d feel stupid for genuinely praising it. I wonder if its appeal for audiences mostly came down to seeing Liam Neeson do a film like this for the first time, because I just don’t see what’s interesting about its approach to action or storytelling. It’s not incompetent or anything (Liam Neeson keeps this thing watchable, that’s for sure), but this really should’ve been forgotten by now.


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