Review by Jordy

Deadpool 2016

This one’s still a lot of fun. The first two acts are so smooth and entertaining that they brilliantly distract from how unimaginative the plot is. Its the type of main character opens up a lot of narrative possibilities that can immediately provide a distinct signature for a filmmaker. Add to that the fun editing, well directed action, interesting side characters and natural chemistry between Reynolds and Baccarin, and you have a film that feels like a refreshing breeze. Sure, not every jokes works. There are times where you wish the director reined Reynolds in a little more, or the screenwriters used references that feel a little more contemporary, but most of the humour still feels really fresh. The deconstruction of superhero tropes and self referential critiques of the X-Men brand are a lot of fun in particular. Unfortunately, a lot of its personality is lost during the third act. There’s a stronger focus on its underdeveloped villain and the final set piece feels generic from an action perspective (though it’s definitely not the type of third act that can often derail a film like this). It’s like the film knows that the arc between Wade and Vanessa has more weight to it, so it saves that pay-off until the very end. It’s the type of ending that feels satisfying from a character perspective, but on a subtextual level it basically turns into another ‘love conquers everything’ type of message, which is kinda safe for something that’s trying to be so subversive. Technically it’s quite solid. Really appreciate the tactile feeling to the choreography and suit, as well as neat visual and song choices. It could’ve used a stronger score though, because that’s another area where the film feels slightly watered down and generic. Still, I’d easily recommend this to anyone who hasn’t completely let go of their inner 15 year old.


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