Review by RG9400

Abigail 2024

I found this movie entertaining, though not nearly as good as Ready or Not. A good chunk of the beginning of the movie is dedicated to setup, assuming there will be tension regarding what the actual premise of the movie is in regard to the girl they kidnap. However, the trailers spoiled this aspect of the movie, so I found the beginning setup to be a bit slow. Once it kicks into gear though, the movie alternates between the type of fun horror I've come to expect from these creators, though sometimes it takes itself a bit too seriously. The motivations, development, and drama between all the characters end up not being very important, so I feel like the movie could have ignored some of those aspects entirely instead of trying to build them and then have characters make actions that do not align with those backstories at all (or have those backstories become fully irrelevant). But when the movie shifts away from a lot of this setup and embraces its pulpy, over-the-top core, it ends up being a ton of fun. I loved seeing Dan Stevens and Alisha Weir fully embrace their roles, and there is plenty of gore and silliness that works really well. I just think Ready or Not was a more balanced and complete movie that still managed to lean into these aspects more, but this isn't bad and ends up still being better than their two Scream movies.

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