Review by Bronson

The Marvels 2023


Review by Bronson
BlockedParent2024-04-21T04:05:42Z— updated 2024-04-23T22:08:29Z

Better than I thought it would be, but not as good as it could have been.
Just like with any of the Marvel movies, the production is great... that's never the problem. The issue I had with this was the forced comedy. Now, humor is nothing new to Marvel movies, it has been there since the beginning, however somewhere along the way, jokes have been used to bring a scene to a screeching halt, because... I suppose the filmmakers think that the audience can't handle action or drama that doesn't have a joke at the end.
Speaking of which, the overall tone of the movie is a kids/family film. Now, that isn't by itself bad, although, there are two types of kids' movies: ones that are geared toward kids, but can be enjoyed by anyone, the other type is one that treats the audience like idiots, since "they're kids, they don't know." Guess which category this one fits into.
All that being said, there are some genuinely funny moments, but not many. Where the movie really shines is when it can take a moment seriously and just be action or drama. Then it's good.
Onto the characters: Brie is back as Captain Marvel, and I think she really did well in the role here - I was not terribly impressed with the Captain Marvel (2019) movie - it seems as though she is having more fun playing the character now.
Our second heroine kept refusing to take a superhero name, so I will not give her one. She was okay.
Third: Ms. Marvel. I thought she was great. This could have been her movie, and it may have worked better. Now, that being said, a huge problem for me was her family. I've not watched the Ms. Marvel series - and likely won't - so, I don't have a full appreciation of all of those characters, but if they are like this on the show, I would not make it beyond the first episode.
Finally: we have Nick Fury. Same issue. Too much comic relief. It is possible to make a family-friendly film that is serious, and have well-timed humor that works within the moment.
So, yeah, the movie is pretty good. I'd almost want to watch it again, however the musical scene was the death knell for me. I had heard there was a musical moment, but I thought it was a joke; nope, I wish it were.
I'd recommend this to anyone who liked the Guardians of the Galaxy (2014-2023) movies, but want something geared toward younger audiences.

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