Review by Sammi

Monkey Man 2024

I so enjoy a good vengeance movie, and I loved almost everything Dev Patel did in this one. His passion and creativity are impressive and admirable, and I hope he is so proud of this vision brought to life! It always excites me to see just one fresh or unique element I have not seen in a movie before, but Monkey Man had nearly a dozen moments like this! I had my cringe face on for much of it bc OUCH! It was wonderfully brutal! My only complaint is a very small one, and an honest question: Why did his character in the movie make a point to bleach his mask before looking for his final fight...and then just...take it off right as it started..? I wonder if some scenes with the mask were cut bc the idea just seemed a bit randomly abandoned. I hope a later rewatch will bring me better understanding! Also, if you are someone who needs subtitles due to hearing loss or processing delays, you may want to look for subtitled screenings OR watch via streaming if/when the option is available to you. I missed some details due to my own difficulties (some accents can be a challenge), but it was still more clear to me than the average Christopher Nolan film (not to compare the content at all). Overall, I had so much fun watching, and I will be thrilled to see more from Dev Patel in the future, no matter the genre!

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