God, I love this episode. So many great moments.

"Annie, you realize that we'll be friends whether or not we have a class together, right?"

"Of course you think that, Britta. It's obvious from your name your parents smoked pot."

And the tiny brunette from Greendale, Colorado absolutely bodies the sour-faced blonde with the ridiculous name!


Pierce: What's on the final?

Dr. Escodara: En español por favor.

Pierce: I know it's in Spanish, dummy. I'm just saying what chapters...all three?

Dr. Escodara: Veinte.

Britta: Oh, I know that one! She wants a large coffee!


Chang: Good luck passing your exam, Winger! At one point, I was teaching you Klingon!


Troy: Um, I can't wake up Pierce. Is this gonna take an unexpected turn?

Jeff: You have to know how to do it. Discrimination lawsuit.

Pierce: Preposterous!


The Good Will Hunting references are especially fitting considering Jeff's original "look left" speech from the pilot when he rags on Ben Affleck for getting an Oscar for co-writing Good Will Hunting.

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