Review by TheLazyReviewer

Land of Bad 2024

Film 164 (Goal: 300) of 2024:

Land of Bad is a pretty standard action film, starring 2 of the 3 Hemsworth brothers, Milo Ventimiglia (predominantly of Heroes and This is Us fame) and Russell Crowe, among others.

On a mission, a Delta Force team is ambushed in enemy territory. A rookie officer manages to escape the conflict. He must now overcome the enemy, the surrounds and his own fear as he tries to escape. He is supported by an Air Force drone pilot as the eyes in the sky during his battle for survival.

Land of Bad can take a bit to get going but when the action ramps up in Act 1, it starts to flex it's muscles. There's some excellent battles and set pieces. Liam Hemsworth, who I still question his leading man ability, is pretty good in this role, of the overwhelmed officer behind enemy lines. He's supported well by Russell Crowe as a drone pilot. While never in the same room together, I enjoyed their interactions, especially in the quieter moments.

The film does however drag in the middle towards the middle of Act 2, before finding it's feet again towards the end of Act 3. But the tonal shift is enough for me to drop this from a 3.5 rating, to the 3 stars I ultimately landed on.

Land of Band is a surprisingly enjoyable film, that I wasn't expecting to like as much as I did. It likely won't be remembered much come years end, but it's solid viewing.

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