Shout by RG9400

Civil War 2024

Civil War is a movie filled with striking images and heart-pounding tension, punctuated by moments of quiet and stillness. With stunning sound design, this movie puts the humans at the heart and center of everything. Based on the title and premise, it would be easy to assume this is a very politically charged movie with a political statement to make. I do not think that's actually the case. Sure, you can fill in the blanks with your ideologies of choice, but at its heart, this movie explores the motivations of journalists and the danger and horror they put themselves in to get the story. While it is certainly a war movie, it is also a road trip movie, set to the tune of folksy music and artillery. Kristen Dunst and Cailee Spaeny are fantastic as well. My only criticism is that despite there being an underlying theme and narrative to the story, at times it can feel a bit like disparate vignettes stitched together. Regardless, I think this is such a strong departure from Alex Garland's usual sci-fi horror, and we are the better for it.

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