Shout by RyeZoo

Monkey Man 2024

Ambitious…. But messy.

There is some good stuff here but also some things that just didn’t work. At times the action looked phenomenal, at other times I couldn’t follow what was happening with the shakey cam and the way some of it was cut. I liked the story and exploring the past. The training break between 2nd and 3rd act was the weakest part of the movie. Also felt little unsatisfying with the way it wraps. I think Dev showed some good traits though and will definitely check out whatever he does next. Shout out to Shantel Copley, he’s great as always!

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@ryezoo I think Dev wanted Neill Blomkamp to direct but he said that Dev should do it. I guess Dev still wanted some Blomkamp in the film so he got Sharlto to be in it. From what I've seen Dev had a lot of problems during production and had to finish shooting in Indonesia. He even had to shoot some parts on phones and gopros so it's a miracle that it looks as good as it does. One of the most obvious low quality shots was when he was first at the temple and the reverse of Alpha looked awful... but I generally agree with your assessment. I love that he made it and look forward to see what he can do with a sequel when they inevitably throw money at him to make one.
