Shout by itsg0ldeson

The Good Doctor 2017

Starts out really good, but man it just got unwatchable those final seasons. I really tried to push through it because I did like the storyline with Shawn navigating relationships, but the rest of it gets extremely woke and preachy. Yet another casualty of PC culture. And for the record I grew up with Star Trek. They were one of the first to do a strong female lead, a black woman as XO, a black captain. Mind you in times when these were very controversial thinks to do. There is a place for pushing the envelope and getting us to question our social norms, and then there is whatever this preachy self-indulgent crap was supposed to be. PC culture is ruining entertainment in this country and for what? A very small (albeit very loud and whiny) minority of the population. Most of us normal joes are sick of this. We don't want you shoving tranny procedures for kids down our throat, we want a good show with relatable characters and thoughtful writing.

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