Well that was, disappointing.

I felt like the previous movie got the nostalgia out of the way and linked the original movies to what would be a new story and lineage going forward.

This movie was like the writers were A-B testing throughout and only use 80’s Ghostbusters ultra-hardcore fans for said testing, so only got reactions to any references, lines, or scenes taken DIRECTLY from the original movies. Whether their inclusion makes sense or not.

So Frozen Empire was just callbacks and references and in-jokes and … somehow in the background a plot took place. But said plot was only a minor feature of the movie. The MAIN thing was the references and memes!

If that’s what you’re watching it for, you’ll love it. If you want a movie that can actually do its own thing, it’s very meh.

Or if you want my feelings as an analogy …

I felt the previous movie did the nostalgia trip perfectly, and was building a bridge for and to something new that could appeal to a new generation of kids and ghostbusters fans.

This one they’re just trying to go back and forth over said bridge as many times as they possibly can until it collapses. Possibly enough to cause it to collapse.

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