Shout by grawlix

3 Body Problem 2024

I like it overall.
What I don't understand is why an advanced civilization spends all their resources on building arks, travelling 400 years and seeking out contact with another species instead of building a Dyson sphere or ring in a single solar system next door. Why is the first contact a singular entity warning her and later it's a hivemind with shared thoughts?

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@grawlixx Or why would a highly advanced civilization, arguably Type 3 civilization, have the need to travel 400 years to colonize an already inhabited planet when there are plenty of uninhabited earth-like planets through the galaxy? Book readers will say it's the "Dark Forest" hypothesis and they're just eliminating the competition, but don't these San-Ti have enough problems already what with living a 3 solar system and getting wiped out regularly and having to start from scratch? You'd think they would have more immediate and important issues to deal with but no they have the need to travel the galaxy to wipe out lesser civilizations.

Or why can't the aliens read human thoughts but they can do all sorts of magical things like manipulate protons and photons and most importantly manipulate human vision. You'd think they got the human biology/chemistry figured out.

I enjoyed it over all and it has some really thought provoking ideas but the decisions made by the author just don't make sense the more you think about them.
