Shout by OldManKestis

Napoleon 2023

Joaquin is a fantastic performer. We all know this, we've seen it several times. There are films where the actor is separated from the character in which you forget that it's "so-and-so" playing the role. For example, Heath Ledger's 'Joker', Javier Bardem's 'Anton Chigurh' and Daniel Day-Lewis' 'Lincoln'.

For Napoleon, Joaquin is simply himself in Napoleonic attire. It was just not convincing. Perhaps it's the story that is to blame which is... boring. We spend most of the time focusing on Napoleon's love life with breaks in between that give us only a glimpse of the epic battles he was a part of. Even the end credits begin by telling us his battle history and body count but... THE FILM BARELY FOCUSED ON THAT!

I wanted this to be an epic biopic on a pivotal character in world history but sadly we did not get that.

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