Review by Shubes

Pacific Rim 2013

Not my first time to watch it but I didn't remember much about it AT ALL, so watching it again was very enjoyable. Pure science fiction, so if sci-fi isn't your cup of tea this probably won't interest you at all. Gigantic Transformer-like robots (controlled by humans, not cars that morph into robots) battle against just-as-gigantic alien life forms that are wanting to invade earth. Yes, the premise is very definitely way out there but this is still a fun movie to watch…especially if you can get into stuff like the Godzilla or King Kong movies, or even the Alien franchise (which is one of my favorites). You have to disengage your brain for a couple hours (this is 2 hours PLUS of runtime) and just enjoy the show. What I enjoyed about it along with all the action sequences was that it had an actual storyline that made sense. Probably the one thing that I disliked about this was how cheesy the ending was; it just seemed ridiculous at the tail-end of such a high-performance, extreme-action movie like this. It wasn't "bad", mind you; just very cheesy and "roll-your-eyes"-worthy. (The final "sneak peek" toward the end of the credits was good for a grin, however.) The acting was satisfactory but again, you're not watching something like Pacific Rim in search of Academy Award-winning cinema. (If you are, I weep for you.) This was just a fun, action-packed sci-fi movie that was good for a couple hours' entertainment. Definitely worth watching - for the right audience, that is - and even though this is not my first time to see it, I may even watch it again.

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