Shout by Dudaai

Napoleon 2023

I had really high hopes for this movie, knowing how Ridley Scott can do historical if he sets his mind to it (Kingdom of Heaven, Gladiator). OK he can play fast and lose with historical accuracy on the characters and even the technical details, but by and large I find his movies very good overall.

Enter Napoleon and seriously, like WTF? The focus of the movie was on his relationship with Josephine (a story that didn’t need to be told if ever there was one), meanwhile doing a whistle stop blitz tour through the history of France during his time, paying scant attention to any detail, to say it’s superficial is an understatement! Militarily, aside from the dates and countries involved, Scott hasn’t played fast and loose this time, he just threw the books in the bin and made it all up! Again, none of the key characters that impacted him from the military are portrayed at all. In fact there is virtually zero development of any character in the whole movie. It’s just a montage of stuff featuring Napoleon, some of which happened, some that might have and the rest, total fantasy.

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