I really do not understand the hate this movie gets. It almost feels like a hive mind effect where viral videos are influencing people's opinions, rather than just forming their own. I absolutely love this movie. For me, it is nearly perfect. The only minor complaint I have is that the Leia scenes feel awkward, but obviously, they were limited in what they could do with that, and considering they avoided doing a deepfake/cgi version, the results are not bad considering the situation.

Otherwise, I think Palpatine is a fantastic villain, and his inclusion was a stroke of brilliance. The Last Jedi sort of wrote the series into a corner. Where The Force Awakens set up all these threads for the trilogy to follow, The Last Jedi basically ended them all, and basically gave the middle finger to anybody who was curious about the mysteries the previous movie set up. So yeah, JJ felt like he needed to do some course correction to get out of the corner the previous movie sort of forced them into, but I think he did it in a way that's still respectful of what The Last Jedi did, while still being a satisfying conclusion to what TFA set up. Using Palpatine is smart because it finds a way to tie all of those loose threads together, but also simultaneously brings all three trilogies together, and even delivers on the promise Palpatine made to Anakin in episode 3. Plus the idea of Palpatine returning is something that has existed in the old EU for a long time and it's something I was always interested in seeing on screen.

As for the rest of it, Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver are brilliant as always, but the rest of the cast is actually used really well. I especially enjoyed C3PO in this one. The story is a fast paced adventure, with a lot of exciting locations and action, but all of this is grounded by good story and character development work. It all feels really satisfying.

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