Review by Digital Phreaker

Logan 2017

"Hey, it's 2029, why are we still talking about mutants?"

Oh, God, we're only 5 years away from the "not too distant future" first used in X-Men (2000).

"And since the wheel lugs they found belonged to a '24 Chrysler, and, well, this is a '24 Chrysler.

Logan's leasing a Chrysler limo manufactured this year. Please take me back to the "not too distant future" time. My current vehicle was released when X-2: X-Men United was released, and that already seemed like too long ago before the franchise catching up to now.

God, Boyd Holbrook is so good at playing the slimy asshole.

Apocalypse was a terrible X-Men movie, but bringing Caliban back for this with Stephen Merchant playing him was a wonderful idea.

Oh, God, I am not ready to watch Stewart's Charles Xavier die again, especially when he has to be so severely medicated because of how dangerous his seizures are.

Okay, hearing him say "Fuck off, Logan. kinda eases the heartbreak, since we'd never heard him speak like that before. Him dropping the f-bomb so much is still as weird to hear as it was when Community moved to Yahoo! and the show didn't have to censor strong language anymore.

"What a disappointment you are." Jesus, that really hits hard hearing Patrick Stewart saying that as Charles Xavier.

Damn, it still amazes me that little Dafne Keen could emote that much just through facial expressions and zero dialogue. Or believably throw a bunch of grown men with guns around like rag dolls when she couldn't have weighed 90 pounds soaking wet. I know that was the point of her character's introduction, but I'm still blown away by how well it was executed. A kid actor trying to match the ferocity of Jackman's Wolverine in Wolverine's prime could've easily backfired, but Keen absolutely nailed it.

Oh, god, Charles apologizing on the way out of the hotel is just pure fucking heartbreak. A man and mutant as conscientious, careful, and caring as he always was unintentionally hurting a bunch of people because he can't control his powers during a seizure is still devastating to see.

"You know, Logan? This was, without a doubt, the most perfect night I've had in a very long time. But I don't deserve it, do I? I did something, something unspeakable. I've remembered what happened in Westchester. This is not the first time I've hurt people. Until today, I didn't know. You wouldn't tell me, so we just kept on running away from it. I think I finally understand you. Logan?"

You sons of bitches just had to have him say that, right before, didn't you? I've watched Patrick Stewart's Charles Xavier die so many times that I should've been numb to it by 2017, and that wouldn't be the last, but having him say that before the second-to-last time still fucking hits as hard as it did in March 2017. The only small comfort is knowing that Charles knew it wasn't Logan who killed him in the last few seconds of his life.

"No, no, no. Let him come to us. We struggled with the X-23s. We assumed, because they were children, we could raise them without a conscience. But you can't nurture rage. You must simply design it from scratch."

Goddamn, Dr. Rice managed to out-evil Bolivar Trask and William Stryker with just that one line. Richard E. Grant was perfect casting for Rice, as per usual with this franchise.

"Beware the light." The fucking perfect mic-drops in this franchise!

Laura watching Logan beat the shit out of the truck with a shovel, thinking, "Hmm. Wonder if that's where my rage issues come from?"

Laura starting to speak in Spanish at light speed makes Mr. Munson's line about "the nonsense that comes out of kids' mouths" making him envious of Laura's silence really hit home haha.

"And it is better this way, because I suck at this! Bad shit happens to people I care about, you understand me?"

God, 17 years of Jackman being in Logan's skin really makes those kind of lines hit.

"Not all at once, Rictor." LMAO, telling Logan not to use all the super-mutant steroids at once when he's on his last legs was pretty much a guarantee that he was gonna mainline that entire bottle to become Jay in Mallrats: "Snickety, snickety, snoin!"

Oh, man, hearing that Wolverine roar...goddamn, nothing better.

And we're back to Yukio's vision of Logan's death, from The Wolverine: "I see you on your back, there's blood everywhere. You're holding your own heart in your hand."

"Don't be what they made you. So this is what it feels like."

And of course Bobby had his Wolverine action figure at the funeral. And of course Laura would tilt the homemade cross to make an X. I'd like to pretend I maintained composure in that theater back in March 2017, but seeing that X made sure I would not!

I know Jackman's back as Wolverine for Deadpool 3, but the best part of this movie is that Disney could keep bringing him back, and it wouldn't make the ending any less powerful.

Bastards had to use Johnny Cash's "The Man Comes Around" for the end credits, just like they had to use his cover of Hurt for the trailer. "Hey, 'member when we roped you into seeing this movie with a Johnny Cash song? Well, here's the perfect bookend!"

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