Review by Paul Vincent

The Marvels 2023

So, complicated thing about this movie. If you're watching it as a stand alone movie, I'm not sure you'd have any idea what the F was going on or who anyone is, and even if it's technically a sequel which requires you to watch the 1st one, it also takes 2 disney plus shows, and this is where some casual fans may start getting lost or losing interest. The movie isn't bad, and it isn't the worst Marvel movie made so far like some people are saying. It's fun, the characters have good chemistry, I feel like if you missed "Ms Marvel" though then you'd just be wondering who the hell everyone is half the time.

Now, onto your Marvel ride or die fans, aka the ones that watched everything and will totally get who everyone is and what's going on. While it's not a dumpster fire like Eternals and Quantomania, and while the action is fun to watch and the chemistry between the actors shines, it still comes across somewhat... Flat? I think more accurately, unnecessary. I hope this is the last of these Phase 4 and 5 marvel movies that just seem like they were created strictly to add content, because I can't see how much of anything that happened outside of the last few minutes in this movie is going to matter to the bigger picture here. I think Captain Marvel just might not be that... interesting I guess. And no, it's not because she's a woman, I'm not just hating on a girl power movie, I just can't break this character down. I can tell you almost everyone's intentions in all of these movies, and sure they did have a couple "cheap" villains here and there, but this is the only "Headliner" character that I just can't figure out what they want. And before anyone says anything like she's just doing what Spider-Man does on a universal scale instead of one city, I'm not talking about superficially what she's doing, I'm asking why is she doing it and where is it all supposed to be going? When it's mentioned to her she could save the Kree planet by just giving a fuck, it was like a light bulb turned on in her head "Oh, yeah, you're right huh?" Write her better already, or make her a less focal point of the story.

There doesn't need to be a 3rd captain marvel film, just like there doesn't need to be a 5th Thor (Or a 4th one). It would have moved the story along just as well as if we got the entire first hour and a half from the movie and just squished it with the after-credits scene, because other than moving the chess pieces around the board a little, nothing was accomplished here. Another one-dimensional villain, another movie where despite all the death and destruction around us, nothing in the world can stop a bad joke from landing! It's time to move on from this formula, it's starting to feel like Chat GPT is in the writers room.

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