Shout by Erebos

Red Sparrow 2018

If there's ever a biopic about Putin, they should get Matthias Schoenaerts to play him! Holy hell, the resemblance is uncanny!

Interesting (if not depressing) down-to-earth spy thriller that drives home how espionage is actually either a no-win situation or a fool's errand, especially when it's about double or triple agents, since sooner or later it always devolves into a game of "give me something to show they can trust me" on both sides ad nauseam .

I was expecting a more complicated gambit for the ending: I thought Korchnoi (Jeremy Irons) was not actually the mole, but he was testing Dominika to see if she would give him in.

I wouldn't mind a movie sequel or TV series. The Americans has left a big hole.

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