Review by DAVY X

Fair Enough
Slow,slow episode and
took way to long getting to
the point. The payoff was
good not great and the
pacing was all other the
place, 53M felt like
3h. Solid start and a
shocking end, I get
it, it's to really sell what
a ultimate Kingpin
(Boss Lord) a certain
somebody is and why we
should fear him but after
the shocking end which
I loved by the way I was
Left thinking well what
the fcuk have I just sat
through all that BS for,
for it to come to nothing
accept to make a point.
The main story definitely
should have been the side
story, with another story
leading the charge.
I've had my fill of all that
Courtroom BS after
She-Hulk, I will say though
"For The Record"...ha lol
that "DD" definitely did
the Courtroom drama
stuff way way way better.
I loved Matt doing his
Enhanced hearing thing,
that was cool AF,
I'll take some more of that.
What was Frickin Awesome
was the reference to the
First "Avengers" movie with
the paper clipping hung on the
wall in the black guys office saying
I enjoyed the first two
episodes better and you
Can't tell me how frickin awesome
that hallway fight
was, hopefully as we move
on from this episode things
will pick back up again and showcase
more of those fight set pieces
which will definitely keep
this show thrilling and interesting
and exciting because
those fight scenes were epic
to which I've never seen
the likes of to date
In a Marvel tv show.

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