Review by Fr3d1

The Marvels 2023

*The Marvels, the latest instalment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, presents a number of challenges that affect its ability to captivate audiences and maintain the studio's ever-declining quality standards.

From the outset, the film faces the criticism of being boring. Despite the visual spectacle characteristic of Marvel productions, The Marvels seems to lack the narrative spark that has defined the studio's other films. The plot, described by some as that of a 1980s B-movie, feels dated and lacks the innovation and complexity expected today.

Moreover, the film's plot is riddled with plot holes and Deus Ex Machina, elements that can distract the audience and diminish immersion in the story. These narrative tropes, instead of contributing to the coherence of the plot, seem to be easy resources to solve complicated situations.

Amidst these criticisms, the character of Ms. Marvel emerges as a highlight that brings freshness to the film. Her presence brings relief amidst the general lack of dynamism and provides a glimpse of the vitality that sometimes seems to be lacking in other aspects of the narrative.

However, The Marvels is criticised for placing the entire narrative burden on female characters, relegating male characters to mere embellishments. While diversity and representation are valuable aspects of contemporary filmmaking, the imbalance can be perceived as forced and can affect the sense of cohesion in the Marvel universe.

The predictability of the plot also adds to the film's challenges. The audience's ability to anticipate plot twists and developments may detract from the impact and surprise, leaving the audience with a sense of having experienced a plot that has been seen before.

While there are criticisms, it is acknowledged that The Marvels has managed to significantly reduce the ridiculous humour that has sometimes characterised recent Marvel productions. This change can be positively received by those who prefer a more serious, action-focused tone.

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