Review by Jordy

The Marvels 2023

Almost a complete failure. It’s a Frankstein movie; this has obviously been hacked to pieces and reassembled in a way where it doesn’t resemble whatever it was once supposed to be. The editing of this movie is a nightmare, because not only is the story incoherent and rushed, but even the action is quite hard to follow due to the film’s central gimmick. The dialogue’s as cringe as expected from Marvel nowadays, with every attempt at comedy falling flat and tons of boring expository scenes. I don’t understand why the most interesting character beats are placed before the timeframe of this film (e.g. the destruction of Hala by Karol ), because nobody in this movie has a real fleshed out arc. Why not open your movie with that scene as it’d build naturally from where the first movie left off? That’s not to say that it doesn’t entirely try, because there are a few artistic swings in here, but those moments feel like they come from a different film. Instead, this movie’s only real merit comes from the baseline of quality you can expect from a production of this magnitude, so the costumes and production design are generally quite good. Visually it’s extremely inconsistent though. I can tell there’s someone with a good eye behind this, but so much of it looks plastic, unfinished and/or poorly lit. Overall, I’d argue this is the worst Marvel Studios film so far. Maybe it’s not quite as annoying as Love and Thunder, but this is just really a depressing, mind numbing watch.


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