Quite an intense episode, though with a slow start. There is a conflict between Moiraine and her past lover, the Amyrlin Seat, as Siuan wants to follow the rules of the Aes Sedai of what to do with the Dragon Reborn and Moiraine and her party of Lan, Alanna and Verin do not want that and intend to leave the city via a Waygate. There is something good for Moiraine in the episode as Lan discovers, after questioning the False Dragon, that she has not been stilled by rather shielded from using the One Power and Rand manages to bring her back her magic, which might be useful in the future episode. However, Siuan wants to stop Moiraine from leaving the city with Rand, and they quarrel too long and Lanfear, whom Rand summoned to help him escape the shielding, attacks Siuan and goes with Rand through the Waygate, Lan and Moiraine elect to follow her, leaving the wounded Siuan behind.

There is a bit about Egwene as she starts her damane training and casts the best spell of all the damanes. Though she hasn't really stop hating her handler. The girls meet with Loial and capture a sul'dam in their plan to rescue Egwene.

Perrin and Aviendha travel further and meet with some other Aiel women, they reach Falme so all the friends are going to meet there in the finale. Mat is kidnapped by Lanfear and then Ishamael gives him magical tea, after drinking it Mat has some weird trip which is intended to get him on the side of the Dark.

According to the rules of Aes Sedai, Rand should be shielded and then used as the best weapon during the Last Battle. So he would be just a tool, which seems disturbingly similar to what damane are to the Seanchan.

The plot twist this episode is that Moiraine's nephew turns out to be a Darkfriend and Liandrin visits him to relay the order to kill Moiraine. However, his mum overhears the conversation and gets him locked up instead, which may be followed by his execution. He was so glib that I suspected that he might be a Darkfriend but then I thought that maybe it is a bit of an exeggeration.

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