A bit slower episode, concentrating more on Egwene's training as a damane. After some excruciating days in the cell and torture from her handler, Egwene is finally subjgated. The woman in the cell next to her turns out to be the Sitter of the Blue Ajah Rama mentioned to the girls. She tells them the story of how damane were created and they try to solve the mystery of how to remove the a'dam when Nynaeve channels too much power and they are detected, after a short but intense fight Rama is collared too after her warder is killed. The girls are on the own now and in terrible danger.

Rand is with Lanfear in her dream world and she convinces him Moiraine has been using him for her own purposes and lying to him, and he decides to leave Moiraine. Later Lanfear shows him the vision of Egwene in her damane prison and he decides to set off to rescue her, though this may be a trap prepared by the Forsaken. He goes to the false Dragon for some schooling in how to use the One Power but the lesson turns out to be quite short and boils down to embracing the power. Rand meets Mat and they decide to rescue Egwene together, but Min tells Mat about her vision and he eventually decides not to accompany his friend.

Alanna and her warders force Lan to reveal what he learnt from Moraine and together they set off to find the Amyrlin to inform her that the Dragon has been found. The Amyrlin comes to Cairhien to talk to Moiraine, while Rand is prevented from leaving by Lan and co. However, Liandrin is still in Amyrlin's train, so she can probably wreak some havoc there.

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