Review by Ki

A few comments after watching this:
- Janet being so cryptic about the Quantum realm up until a while AFTER they're actually in it is so frustraing. Of course everyone's going to have questions, it just doesn't make sense not to warn them or inform them of certain things.
- So we know because of Endgame that Scott was trapped in the QR for a few hours and 5 years passed in the normal world... How long were they trapped in the QR in this movie and why hasn't at least a year or so passed?
- Ah yes, the whole "antagonist will take the time to yap on about their backstory and plan, until it's too late to actually go ahead with it because the good guys have foiled it"... Kang had the core, yet decided to parade his new army to Janet for so much time that Scott, Hope, Cassie, Hank, and pretty much the entire rebellion showed up... How convenient!
- This movie needed Luis. It just doesn't feel like an Antman movie without him. Could've been in any of the 2 credit scenes, or even just the ending?
- The scene where huge Scott and Cassie run and hug was... Weird. They're meant to be gigantic, but there's basically nothing around them in the scene to show up perspective, so it kinda just looks like they're normal sized.
- The battle outside with Kang was... Disappointing. Didn't feel like there were any stakes - in fact, really none of the scenes except maybe the one with Kang about to kill Scott and Cassie was.
- I do wonder if the writers actually thought about actually leaving Scott and Hope in the QR at the very end... Bit dark, but what about the line, "we both have to lose"? Really just threw that one almost immediately after it was said.
- We did not need a MODOK in this movie. Like, at all.
- Cassie's debut as an actual superhero could've been a thing in this movie. It's definitely set up at the beginning: She was already doing things for good (protesting the police who were forcing out displaced persons from the blip), and had a suit... Sure, she may have still been learning how to properly fight and this is her very first adventure, but it was a good enough setup for her to debut. Her character "arc" otherwise just feels flimsy.

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