Shout by Paddington

Mission: Impossible II 2000

From the moment Mission: Impossible 2 begins, with that mountain climb, you know what this movie's about. Plots revolving around money and explosives, outsmarting ethnic bad guys, robbing with/teasing hot chicks, "how does he do that" stunts, you name it.

But this movie doesn't stand out. It doesn't go beyond the Mission: Impossible tropes. It's just tropes and plot. I don't remember much from it. The movie's job is to entertain you and get you to the edge of your seat. It didn't achieve that. That beginning, rock-climbing scene did, and then came the title card intro with those lousy special effects, fire and all. From then onward, I was like "nah, I'm not gonna take this movie seriously". Mission: Impossible 2 lacked the elements that would make it serious, impressive, and stand out. I didn't feel emotionally invested in any of the characters or relationships. The plot was same old, same old.

Case and point, I wasn't particularly impressed by this movie.

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@jalal-burnell >Plots revolving around money and explosives, outsmarting ethnic bad guys

All the bad guys in this movie are white Aussies or Brits.
