Review by DAVY X

Sensational episode
Good set of characters
and I really wanted the
Rita to be
the next companion
The Doctor liked her
and so did I,
she was clever
and good fit fot
The Doctor,
(Amy you're fired "what"
Just kidding, "call me")
Hahaha lol, loved that.
Rory was less annoying
this episode more like
his joking comic relief
self, which I can put up
with. Felt so sorry for
The Doctor in what he
had to do to save the day.
The losses The Doctor
took this episode broke
his Hearts and mine.
I hate it when
The Doctor is alone
but as promised
The Ponds will see him
Speaking of, that was
Shocking when The Doctor
called Amy- Williams to
break the faith.
Pond get the fish was
Solid writing Amy
seeing 7 on her room
door which was how old
she was when she first met
The Doctor.
So what did The Doctor
See In His Room?
Room "11" obviously well
The Tardis Cloister Bell
was sounding and we all
know what that means
either a Tardis or
a TimeLord is in severe
The Doctor saw
"The Crack in Reality"
that dominated
much of this Doctors first
season yes an exploding
Tardis would definitely
qualify as a massive fear
for The Doctor and him
having "Faith" that somehow
he can rewrite time to
prevent it because
The Tardis is still going to
(it's going to happen
it has already happened).
The Doctor still
doesn't know what
caused The Tardis
to explode, and noway
can he reboot the hole
Universe a second time,
so this makes perfect sense that
The Doctor
saw The Crack in Reality
in room 11.
(Also it was confirmed
in "The Time of The Doctor"
that this is exactly what
he saw).
Banger of an episode
one of the strongest this
Loved It.

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