Review by Ward

When you put in a society with time lords and medieval people with medieval houses on Gallifrey, it just looks stupid and like you didn't put any thought into the lore or time lord society at all. It's the most basic nonsensical thing you can do, and furthes dilutes the mythos and takes away interesting mystery.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

But oh yeah we must have our basic ordinary hero of the common people narrative.

A lot of hybrid rubbish.

No explanation for how Gallifrey escaped, i guess we just assume they came through the crack in reality that they sent the regeneration energy through. Oh wait you couldn't have just cleared that up with one line like i just did?

I liked the high timelord said if he told them what they wanted to know he could have walked out there. I like that because it also speaks to the hubris of the doctor, he'd rather kill himself billions of times tin order for the possibility to save Clara. It's terrible, to kill billions of versions of you, it's just terrible.

I loved the soldiers not wanting to shoot the doctor because he's a war hero. I'm glad everyone knows that.

I'm glad the doctor is trying to punish Rassilon for his previous mistakes.

I liked the doctor taking control and booting off Rassilon and the council.

The doctor killed the general, a good man. We all know each regeneration is their own person, so he killed a good person right there. Dark.

Emotional over Clara confronting the doctor over how long he was in the confession dial.

I wonder what she told him. Maybe that she loved him.

I would have liked a "Clara, my impossible girl" line.

It's floated the doctor possibly being half human.

It's one of the most ridiculous things in Doctor Who that Me would still be alive, and with a similar personality. It's complete nonsense of the highest degree.


I like some of the interactions with the general and the sisterhood of Karn.

Ashildr should not have been in this episode, and i very much dislike Ashildr being part of the new tardis. This rubbish annoying antagonistic characters gets that? No. And Ashildr caused Clara's death and the doctor's many deaths inside the prison, and her reward is a tardis and a companion.


Ashildr and Clara are not compatible as a team and we've seen nothing to support the opposite.

And Clara and Me can suddenly pilot a tardis.


Giving away tardises to companions and immortals dilutes the nature of tardises out there in the universe doing stuff. It dilutes the mythos.

I don't even think Clara should have been given such a gift. She should have just died in the raven episode and faced the consequences of her dumb actions. And i do still like Clara as a character, i just don't love her like i do Rose and Donna. I will miss her though.

Love the look of the new sonic.

Felt little emotion at the ending.

How does wiping the doctors memories save Clara? Maybe not? And she just keeps running? Then why the doctor needs to have his memories wiped? Why even would Clara need her memories wiped? How does that affect the raven scene? Why couldn't time be re-written? Why couldn't there be a defense against the raven?

The doctor planned to take away Clara's memories, to kind of wipe away her personality and who she is, just to save her, rather than die as who she is. It's extremely, extremely dark. One of the most dark things the doctor has ever done. This doctor is very, very dark, and he didn't even realize it. That's the sad and scary thing. He's like 10 where he has dark moments and moods, but 12 is worse, and his ego might be worse too, with what he was willing to do for Clara.

And in helping her, even with what Clara said about traveling the universe and delaying until she returned to Gallifrey, it's always going to be in her mind about her impending death. Or maybe not. Or maybe she'll die soon on a random adventure. Well maybe not, because we saw her death in the raven episode and she did a scream, so we know she went back into her body, eventually. Maybe she returned when she got injured on an adventure, or something.

Maybe it's not as bad as i'm describing. I'm sure she'll live for a long time and do great things.

If it ends up causing her existential suffering though, then it's partially the doctor's fault for giving her this life. That his compassion gave her this life and the suffering she'll go through.

Feel sad for Clara that she has to part from the doctor, and the doctor has forgotten a lot about her. Don't like it. Don't like he forgot the memories of her and their travels. And he also forgets the mistakes he's made with her, like the huge one at the end, so he could do all this again someday. It's terrible. This doctor is not a good man. I like him, but he's terrible, and he's more of a liability than all previous incarnations.

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