Review by Alexandra E

The Buccaneers 2023

I generally love period shows, but this is just such cliche girly garbage. Love isn't a roller coaster ride like the ones suggests. That's the nonsense we have told women for centuries and how they get caught up in the ridiculousness in this show. There's the wonderful girl on girl hate in overdrive. There's the desperate mothers to marry their daughters to anyone, even losers. There's the independent girl who is a total flake who falls in less than two days for two men. It's absurd, childish and that nagging "you got to have a man" to have any value. And preferably one who makes you miserable in demanding you be like his parents want, like good little dogs giggling all the time. It's absurd.

Hell through all that then the boy who is going poor trying to take his best mate's girl? In this period, he would lose everything if he married her. Nevermind dealing with any reality except as a jab when the best mate has found out all. It's just a disgusting attempt at a period girl show and it's just so insulting on so many different levels. I watched hoping it would get better but it seemed to get worse as it went on.

Don't waste your time. 1/10

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