Review by Ward

Clara would not have been able to deceive a cyberman like that, and it would have killed her quickly. Bad writing along with lessening the threat and capability of Cybermen.


I like the cybermen appeared all over the world, as Missy had that capability.

Bowties are cool.

When Missy said last episode about the graves being awakened or something, i thought it was just nonsense or a metaphor for something, because i knew if she was being serious then it would just be nonsense, so i didn't think about it.

Then she confirms it in this episode.

So, all the people who are currently dead anywhere in the world, they suddenly get cyberman bodies materialized (in seconds) around them...

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

One of the most stupid ideas in doctor who history. My ideas were better and made more sense and i thought of them off the top of my head.

If the cyber pollen can instantly make flesh into a cyberman, why didn't it rain all over the planet? Why didn't the rain just rain all over the planet in the first place? How did it even get onto all the dead people underground? The rain was like extreme acid burning into the ground to reach people or what?


If a timelord says they are going to kill you, you better damn believe them. You would have thought the scientist would realize that in knowing the capabilities of the doctor.

The doctor being made president of earth is ridiculously unrealistic and dumb, and didn't amount to anything.

The doctor getting inside the tardis through skydiving was cool.

Why can't the doctor take Danny to a place to undo the cyber enhancements and repair his body? The cyberization is keeping his body alive. And then the cybermen at the end go to a different dimension, or something.

Missy's plan of introducing Clara to the doctor and keeping them together feels long winded.

But it does explain those previous things, and it also explains how Clara was introduced to the doctor. Because when the doctor first met a version of Clara it was already in the timeline of when she went into his timeline, so basically it's all a paradox but essentially it doesn't really matter. I guess Missy tried to find the right bossy but good companion material for the doctor then eventually convince him to go to a version of an afterlife so they could meet. It's completely nonsensical, but whatever.

And Missy's plan to just recruit an army for the doctor and give it him just isn't that good. It's kinda dumb. It's chaotic, which is kinda nice, but also dumb, especially if she thought the doctor would actually use it. If the writing is presented that way then it's even more dumb.

One of the big choices near the end is pathetic. We all know for certain the doctor would never accept an army, and especially an army like this. And it's terrible to think that they've actually built up the new doctor of this season that he would even consider it. No, they haven't at all. It's all just so bad and a waste of a story.

And somehow Danny rebels against his cyber programming, even after his emotions have been inhibited. No.


The interesting moral decision that the doctor was going to kill Missy is taken away.


And having the brigadier do it, no.

Then Danny lets that kid through instead of himself. Oh more tragedy i don't care about and more dumb decisions.


Maybe in-universe that kid was a terrorist, making Danny's dumb decision even more tragic that he thought he was a civilian.

Amy and Rory's relationship was bad in the early part of season 5, but subsequent seasons really improved it. Maybe the same could have been the same for Clara and Danny. Nevermind. In the end it just stayed bad.

Clara has seen the danger of traveling with the doctor and what it did to her boyfriend. She's said her goodbyes, again. I wonder if she's going to relapse on her drug addiction, again.

Season 8 is the most uneven season in the show so far. There's some genuinely good episodes and the season started out well enough, but the lows are some of the lowest in the show, and the finale is a letdown.

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