Review by Ward

Wow, last episode looks like it might have had a huge impact on our characters, when i thought they would have just forgotten it all.

Not a fan of most of the episode, but that ending was great and unexpected. I liked there was actual character development with Amy and Rory and even the doctor. While he may have lied to her about his reasons for taking her in order to break her faith in him, it was only partially a lie, and the doctor won't stop.

The Doctor really is a madman with a box. And madness is scary.

Most of the episode itself felt pretty disappointing. The creature wasn't particularly interesting and neither were the others characters, and it felt pretty predictable. And the rooms that had nightmares well, they weren't that interesting either. With concepts like that and what we have faith in, it should have been done a lot better.

But it has a great ending. The doctor finally realizing the error his ways, his dangerous ways and life. Something that was reiterated in this episode that makes him even worse is that he captivated Amy when she was just a kid. It was unintentional, but insidious. Though he did promise to take her on adventures even as a kid. That's just insidious and indoctrination to the doctor's lifestyle.

And in this episode he finally realizes the mistakes he's made. He realizes how dangerous it is to bring companions, especially a couple, which as i've described previously for example if one of them died then how hearthbreaking it would be, and it would be the doctors fault.

The doctor leaves Amy and Rory there on Earth, but actually left them with a house and a great car. What a great gesture. What a haunting line from him, about not wanting to stand over their grave. The doctor finally realized. All those adventures and dangerous moments and especially what happened last episode shocked him into thinking different and behaving differently. Even Rory this episode was thinking different about traveling with the doctor. And then at the end when the doctor finally breaks Amy's faith in him, it freed her more in a sense from him and the drug of traveling with him.

I did like it was only the two of them at the end in the conversation. Amy was the first person he saw when he regenerated, his first companion, and she means a lot to him.

But no, the doctor won't stop getting companions. Maybe he won't take a married couple anymore. It's at least a step in the right direction, and with how many years the doctor can live, it can take him a long time to learn from his mistakes.

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