Review by Ward

Much better than i remember. We get the full uncovering of River's origin with Mels, and then her using all her future regenerations to save the doctor, wow. What a gesture, and she barely knew him at that point. Wow. No wonder she is so in love with him, and he with her, even though this incarnation of the doctor is a very manipulative guy.

This doctor is probably the one she loves the most. It's the incarnation she first met when she regenerated.

Alex Kingston is freaking hot in this episode. That's all.

The random addition of Mels at the beginning just doesn't work though, and the fandom seems to agree. She should have been built up much more instead of appearing now for the first time.

Then there's even more ridiculousness about Mels holding the doctor at gunpoint and then having the idea to kill Hitler and making him go back to that time. No.

It's nice that Mels grew up with Amy and Rory, her parents, but it's terrible how Amy and Rory don't get to raise their child. I think it's a cruel and disgusting creative decision from Moffat. Amy and Rory don't even react much to that fact of losing their baby permanently and not being able to raise her.

I liked Rory punching Hitler, then punching another nazi later. He's improved this season.

Answers some questions about Melody like her being conditioned to kill the doctor, so it's okay she was alone for so long because she can regenerate and eventually try and meet the doctor to kill him, i guess.

There's some discussion in the fandom about not liking River's complicated history, but i kinda like it, even if it is a little over-complicated.

I liked the sequence of Melody vs the doctor, and i like Melody being able to kill the doctor through the kiss. A kiss, a romantic gesture being a weakness of this incarnation of the doctor (and the previous one too).

Mels regenerating is pretty cool.

I liked how feisty Melody was when she became Alex Kingston and how she acted in the episode. Alex Kingston is good at acting at various points of how younger or older she is in regards to her being along the doctor's timeline.

I liked the emotion from Matt Smith when he was dying and trying to save his companions, and i liked the emotional moment of River saving his life.

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