Review by Ward

The X-Files 1993

The X-Files is a sci-fi show about two FBI agents named Mulder and Scully who investigate cases of the unexplained, which are usually of a paranormal nature. There are a lot of good episodes and a lot of decent ones, and it's definitely worth watching. There are so many cases of the paranormal that are investigated with depth here. This is a high quality show, from the acting, directing, music, writing, atmosphere. You come to really like the central characters and then the supporting characters too.

While the show is mostly comprised of standalone episodes dealing with a paranormal nature, there are also several episodes each season that build upon a story arc concerning aliens and a government conspiracy. It's initially quite interesting and mysterious, but eventually becomes quite convoluted, and i found myself preferring the standalone investigative episodes instead of the main alien mythology story arc.

As a teenager, The X-Files was very formative for me. The amount of sci-fi ideas explored in the show is truly amazing, and helped expand my imagination and creativity. It was instrumental in furthering my love of science fiction concepts, the nature of aliens and the government, and psychologically understanding crime. It furthered my desire to discover the truth. There was also the central characters that were interesting and i loved seeing their dynamic episode after episode. Mulder and his open-mindedness towards the paranormal possibilities helped my own sense of curiosity in real life. Scully with her approach of trying to explain things scientifically as to why a certain phenomena may or may not be going on, which helped my own sense of scientific curiosity and to try and explain life's great questions logically and scientifically.

The x files was one of the biggest influences in my teenage years to instill in me an obsession for the truth in all that there is.

I've been quite critical of the x files in my comments on various episodes, but its mostly been about the alien story arc. When it comes to the standalone episodes i do like most of them. I think most of them are pretty good, and there's a lot of really good episodes.

The show isn't too formulaic, there's all kinds of sci-fi stories and mysteries and killers and investigations into all kinds of things. Horror episodes, conspiracy episodes, character building episodes. Because there are so many episodes each season it allows there to be a lot of good and mixed episodes. But more importantly, it allows the characters both main and supporting to breathe and develop, even if it's in slow and subtle ways through the many episodes and seasons, you can directly see it. You can directly notice the slow changes in character development over time through the episodes. The main duo of Mulder and Scully are built up quite well, and they are really good characters. I love watching them, and it's obvious how they became a classic duo in pop culture.

In my rewatch however, i was stunned to find how lacking and convoluted the alien storyline quickly became. Luckily it only comprises a few episodes each season, which each season being around 25 episodes. Though later in the show the quality of the alien myth arc brought me back for a while. And while there's many good and mixed standalone episodes, i was surprised to find that to my taste, there aren't many great ones. This was once one of my favorite shows on the higher end of my list of favorites, but now, it would be on the lower end. I guess that's what nostalgia does to you, and when you watch something when you haven't had much experience watching other shows. But i'm older now and watched so many more things, so i can look at the show more critically and see the flaws, along with my own high standards, and the x files comes up short in many regards, even though it's still a good show. This is just from my perspective.

They say you should never meet your heroes, but i think it's a good thing to meet your heroes, to rewatch your favorite things, because then you can see the true reality, the truth of what it is, or to see flaws, to criticize, and to learn from it.

I didn't initially intend to write so many large comments and criticism on the various episodes. I guess since this was an important show for me in my teenagers years i was compelled to write because of my feelings involved and to confront the nostalgia and wake up to the truth. My truth, anyway.

I also don't comment much on shows anymore, but rewatching The X-Files reignited my love for criticism. To criticize the flaws and praise the good parts.

Follow this viewing order to get a precise look of the shows connecting to The X-Files if you want to experience everything. The other shows are pretty good and worth watching. You don't have to follow this guide exactly, you can take your time and watch the shows at near the same time, just make sure to finish them before the crossover ones.

Watching The X-Files is a journey. It's a good experience, and i'm glad to have watched it. I enjoyed my journey, and i learned a lot. I'm going to miss these characters. I'm going to miss the music, and i'm going to miss all the sci-fi stories the show provided.

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