overrated & formulaic af. especially this one. Watching Vincent's character do the exact same thing over and over again, and having it seem as if he's some incredible detective with a brilliant mind, it's honestly annoying. He's not Sherlock, and the writing in the show is so bad, that nothing he does makes him even a fraction of that, yet this is how they play it, and why people like this, for some reason. They buy into it, but I guess people want to buy this kind of stuff. it's why they loved House, which had the exact same problem, with obnoxious soap opera romance drama thrown in, & the only other difference being the character was originally a good one, who says some funny & true things times throughout the series. Plus Hugh Laurie is just talented, & fun to watch....

This? i just can't say ther redeeming value to it, add to that the obsession Dick Wolf has with law enforcement and using these shows to push a narrative, using copaganda. It's disturbing. I dont have an issue with cop shows in general, I've enjoyed many of them, but if you make a show with characters that are always infallible heroes, and nothing else (like idk, human beings).... it's cringey. NYPD Blue was really good, for example.
i do like Kathryn Erbe, mostly because she was good in OZ (she was a death row inmate.), and it's a weird role flip, like with Meloni and his characters on OZ and SVU. I

idk. wish i hadn't wasted so much of my time, and therefore life, on watching these Law and Order shows. At least SVU had Meloni for a long time, and even Munch.... was worth watching just to see them. Same can't be said for this...

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