Theme- 7.5/10
Rewatchibility- 9/10
Acting- 8/10
Kinematography- 9.5/10
Time- 9.5/10
Total - 43.5/5 = 8.7

Of all the Charlie Browns, you are the Charlie Browniest. The Peanuts have a wit and charm to them that should fly over the heads of its targeted demographic, yet every year we continue celebrating the holidays with a special like this. Charlie Brown encapsulates a mood not often seen so genuinely on the screen. Lack of Christmas spirit or more specifically depression during the holidays is a very real thing that even children can find themselves in. The message here is to find the real meaning of Christmas and the joy within it, through all of the commercialism the holiday brings with it. While I believe for many, the holiday has evolved beyond that of a day we celebrate the birth of a savior or any religious artifacts, the lessons therein deserve a pause for thought to avoid becoming a Charlie Brown yourself. This special has wit, humor, and an effective theme that seems to be, much like Charlie's tree, evergreen.

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